
Technical Specifications



The University of Missouri maintains and operates a portable, ground-based imaging radar as part of a collaboration between the Departments of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Geological Sciences.  With support from NSF MRI grant CMMI-0923086, we have procured and enhanced a Gamma Remote Sensing GPRI2 radar system to use for geotechincal, geological, and experimental research. 

Our portable, ground-based imaging radar is capable of imaging sub-millimeter deformation of natural and man-made surfaces.  In addition to our own research applications, we are open to initiating new collaborations to apply this technology for monitoring ground and structural deformation.  For more information, please feel free to contact the PIs listed below.


Image of Radar setup
Radar on the Edge!  Joe Gilliam (former graduate student) & Paco Gomez seting up the ground-based radar above Glenwood Canyon, Colorado (April 2013).

last modified August 15, 2019
questions / comments:  fgomez@missouri.edu